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Help! My Boyfriend Swears He Has the Worst Job in the World. Who’s Going to Break It to Him?
I’m so tired of his complaining.
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What’s Fact and What’s Fiction in Apple Cider Vinegar Ellin Stein
When Belle Gibson’s brain tumor turned out to be fake, it rocked the wellness world. But how closely does the Netflix series stick to the truth? <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/3063d6ca-ecd2-42fe-a40b-01199ecf752a.jpeg?crop=1560%2C1040%2Cx0%2Cy0" title="What’s Fact…
What Happened to Amy Schumer? Dana Stevens
She won an Emmy and a Peabody and made a blockbuster rom-com. Now she’s back with a trainwreck.
My Wife Is Refusing to Honor Our Pregnancy Agreement. I’m Livid. Jamilah Lemieux
How could she betray me like this?
The People Who Turned On Democrats Over Gaza Don’t Want Your Blame After Trump’s Rant Aymann Ismail
“If they thought our vote was insignificant, how can they blame us for their defeat afterward?”
Bad News About Some of Those DOGE Staffers Ben Mathis-Lilley
Maybe not what you want to see from people with ambiguously defined positions of power in the U.S. government.
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